Terms & Conditions

Thank you for visiting EmLavArt, I appreciate your support and business.

  1. If you have any questions about your order please, feel free to email me at anytime! I usually respond within 48 hours, but will respond within 12 hours if the issue is urgent.

  2. Shipping prices do not necessarily reflect the exact cost of shipping

  3. Original work sold off EmLavArt.com is sent in its original frame. This frame may have some minor imperfections. Cost of updating the frame is assumed by the buyer. Any dents or scratches on the frame will be noted by Emily prior to shipping to insure that work is not damaged during shipping. All Original work is shipped fully insured. Reproductions are sent First Class USPS.

  4. Canvas works are shipped wrapped and insured. If buyer lives within driving distance, canvas drop off and installation is preferred. This will be negotiated over email after the time of purchase.

  5. Satisfaction Guaranteed! If you don’t like your artwork, or if it arrives damaged- Please let me know! I will do what I can to make your purchase something you are happy with for a long time.


Privacy Policy

Please do not steal my artwork! I promise, your copy of my copy does not do justice to the original.